Sidney & Matilda





We are shocked and in awe of the community we have. We have reached our goal to cover the initial minimum costs to run our day to day streams and we are overwhelmed by the support and kindness everyone has poured into this.

We didn’t know if we would hit the minimum payment we needed, but we don’t know why we doubted the strong community we have to make that happen. The £2000 we’ve raised so far will cover the cost of a computer to stream off and the downpayment on vital equipment.

Because of the energy of this campaign, we have decided to extend the goal to help secure the future of the station.

Our initial target was essentially the bare minimum amount we needed to ensure that we could continue to broadcast, and by increasing the goal we have the opportunity to buy the equipment outright as opposed to financing them, which makes the future of our station much more secure.

This is far from the only cost that we will incur as a station, so any extra funds will go towards being able to insure the equipment, and hopefully funding more community projects and events within our space.

And after that we would love to get our space licensable so we could continue to welcome you all to events outside of radio hours and create some revenue to support the station through a bar.

Over May and June we want to work with the community to reach this longer term security goal. The ideas that the community have brought forward to us include music events, food vending, clothes sales, donating merchandise and tickets for raffles which have been beautiful. We endeavor to make these happen to add to the pot of money we have raised for our future security.

We can't express how grateful we are for the response this fundraiser has seen so far, and the collective effort of our residents and friends paints a very clear picture of how impactful small, DIY community projects like this can be.